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Can I have LASIK Eye Surgery if I am Pregnant?

Can I have LASIK Eye Surgery if I am Pregnant?

19 Dec 2019

If you're already pregnant or planning for pregnancy also considering the idea of undergoing Lasik eye surgery, then this post is relevant to you and you should continue to read on to find out more. Eye doctors in London suggest that it is very important for both new and soon-to-be mothers to know what is safe and what is not when it comes to Lasik eye surgery.

Lasik is usually not recommended while you are pregnant or breastfeeding your baby due to change in hormones level during this period of time.

How changes in hormone levels during pregnancy can affect glasses prescription

It is proven that prescription of your glasses or contact lenses may change when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Factors like fluid retention and the resultant corneal swelling are considered as probable reasons behind it, although the exact mechanism is still unknown. The shape of the corneal tissues determines how light rays are focused on your retinal photoreceptors placed at the back of each eye. In other words, the shape of your corneal tissues plays a crucial role in determining your vision as well as corresponding power requirements.

The corneal changes during pregnancy potentially may result in significant changes of vision. In this condition, one may even require an updated prescription of glasses or contact lenses. These related hormonal changes continue during breastfeeding hence instability of prescription.

Once the baby is born, the hormone levels will keep changing. This is the reason why nursing mothers also may experience or suffer from vision changes. These fluctuations in vision may either be for the time being or permanent. Either way, they make laser eye surgery much less predictable. Patients usually require more additional surgical corrections under such conditions.

Your pregnancy, dry eyes and contact lens

Pregnancy is also known to cause decreased production of the tear. Thus, you may suffer from eye dryness, which can cause further dry eye and discomfort with your contact lens. On the other hand, pregnant women may go through much slower recovery following any eye surgery.

Common medical complications during pregnancy 

Pregnant women often complain about vision changes. They also succumb to medical conditions like diabetes and uncontrolled high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia. These complications must be taken care of promptly to avoid any permanent or long-term damage to the eyes. And this is yet another factor that must be considered by both pregnant women and breastfeeding women who are looking to undergo a Lasik treatment soon.

Medication after Lasik surgery

Lasik patients have usually prescribed two medication eye drops for the first week following the surgery. One is an antibiotic eye drop to prevent any infection to the eyes while the other is a steroid eye drop to cure inflammation. The exact effect of these medications on pregnant women is yet to be determined.

Other oral medications in post-Lasik eye surgery cases are optional but the two eye drops mentioned above are mandatory. Considering all the complications, Lasik is usually avoided by pregnant women.

How long should you wait after the delivery to undergo


While this is controversial and no exact study has been conducted. Most experts suggest waiting at least three month post delivery or after discontinuation of breastfeeding. The time factor is also affected by the stability of your current glasses and some other vital pre-operative test

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