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Blepharitis Blepharitis

*Ask about our packages including eye scan and LipiFlow

020 7183 3725 Book a Consultation
£450* Including consultation & treatment in both eyes

What Is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a common and sometimes long-term condition causing inflammation around the edges of the eyelids. It can affect people of all ages in the UK and is a leading cause of dry eye if not treated properly.

There are different types of blepharitis, depending on where the bacteria are located on the eyelids. Patients often have red eyelids due to frequent touching to relieve discomfort.

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Types Of Blepharitis

Wy Choose BlephEX for dry eye?

Who Gets Blepharitis? And Why?

Blepharitis is common and can affect both adults and children, regardless of gender. However, staphylococcal blepharitis is more common in women, accounting for about 80% of cases.

Various factors can contribute to this eye condition; however, the most common reason behind this problem is the meibomian gland malfunction which occurs during posterior blepharitis.

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Below is an explanation of how this works to cause eyelid inflammation.

  • Within the eyelid, there are 50 to 60 meibomian glands
  • It is these glands that produce lipids (oils) that are found floating on the film of tears on the eye surface and prevents them from rapid evaporation
  • In a case where the glands do not produce enough oils, the tears evaporate very quickly (a condition known as evaporative dry eye) which leads to tears being concentrated, and the surface of the eye gets inflamed.

Simply put, the inability of the meibomian glands to produce sufficient oils to hold back the evaporation of tears causes the concentration of tears on the eye and consequently, inflammation.

Regular eye check will help you identify when your eyes are in danger, and immediate action will be taken to prevent further problems.

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Is Blepharitis Painful & Can It Affect Vision?

Blepharitis can cause itching, crusting, discomfort, and inflammation around your eyes. It can also temporarily blur your vision, especially if it affects the tear film on your eye's surface.

Signs & Symptoms?

Redness and Swelling

The edges of your eyelids may become inflamed, leading to redness and noticeable swelling.

Itching or Burning Sensation

People with blepharitis often experience persistent itching or a burning sensation in and around the eyelids, causing significant discomfort.

Crusty Debris or Scales

Accumulation of debris, crusts, or scales along the base of your eyelashes is another common symptom, causing stickiness and irritation.

Watery or Dry Eyes

Blepharitis can disrupt the natural tear balance in your eyes, resulting in excessive tearing or dryness. Both conditions can be bothersome and affect your vision.

Sensitivity to Light

Your eyes may become more sensitive to light, leading to discomfort in bright environments.

Blurred Vision

It can also temporarily blur your vision, mainly if the inflammation affects the tear film on the surface of your eyes.

Foreign Body Sensation

It may feel as though there is a foreign object or irritant in your eyes, causing a constant need to rub or scratch them

What Treatments Are Available?

The severity of your symptoms will determine the type of treatment you need. Here are some common treatments:

Eyelid Hygiene: Maintaining good eyelid hygiene can improve symptoms over 4 to 6 weeks. This involves cleansing, massaging, and cleaning the eyelids daily.

BlephEx™ Treatment: This solution is known to be very effective at taking out bacteria and dirt, which can accumulate on the eyelashes and lead to blepharitis-induced inflammation. At your initial consultation, your doctor may recommend a BlephEx™ treatment for your condition.

What is BlephEx™

BlephEx™ is a procedure performed by your eye doctor to treat blepharitis. It involves using a medical-grade micro-sponge to clean the eyelid margins, removing scurf and bacteria.

It is a new, in-clinic procedure that removes bacteria and debris from your eyelids. This treatment is more effective than using only eyelid scrubs and can provide relief from chronic symptoms.

It is the First and Only Clinician Treatment for Blepharitis

Over 30% of all patients suffer from some type of blepharitis symptoms.

BlephEx™ reduces scurf (eye dandruff) and bacterial debris, the main causes of inflammatory lid disease, and improves the overall health of the eyelid.

The BlephEx™ treatment is well tolerated and only takes a few minutes to perform.

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Risk & Benefits of BlephEx™

  • The procedure is well-tolerated and quick.
  • It can reduce the need for prescription drops and artificial tears.
  • The most common side effect is temporary eye irritation. This goes away quickly.

How Long Does BlephExLast? 

Just like the mouth is full of bacteria and needs constant and regular hygiene to prevent gingivitis, so do the eyelids need constant and regular hygiene as part of a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended that BlephEx™  be repeated every 4 to 6 months. 

Who Is Suitable For BlephEx 

If you suffer from one or more of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from blepharitis:

  • Itching or scratchy eyes
  • Foreign body sensation
  • Tearing
  • Crusting
  • Redness/Inflammation
  • Mattering
  • Dry eye
  • Eye rubbing

Only your eye doctor can diagnose blepharitis and recommend this treatment. Make sure to let your doctor know of your eye symptoms and inquire about BlephEx™, the latest in eye care technology for lid disease.

Why Choose BlephEx™

BlephEx™ is a revolutionary new patented hand piece, used to very precisely and carefully, spin a medical grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing scurf and debris and exfoliating your eyelids.

Alternatives To BlephEx™

Practical Steps On How To Keep Your Eyelids In Good Condition

Good eyelid care will remove any blockage in the oil glands that causes inflammation. This means oil will flow well around the eyelids. It will also help you keep the affected area warm and clean - a solution to blepharitis.

Do not expect to get instant results immediately you start eyelid hygiene practice. This is because it will take some time before you begin to achieve results. So, you have to make daily efforts to clean your eyelids and keep them hygienic at all time. Perseverance is very crucial here.

That said, here is how it is done:

Repeat these steps daily. Avoid using makeup on inflamed eyelids as it can worsen the condition.

Other Treatment Options

Why Is Our Eyelid Inflammation Treatment Most Sought After?

So many eye clinics offer great treatments, but ours is unique because:

We Offer Customised Eye Care

Our patients' needs come first! We have your best interest at heart and as such, provide specific quality treatment according to your condition. This means you will get the right solution for your visual problem after in-depth and thorough diagnostic testing and bespoke examination.

We Have Professional Eye Doctors At Our Practice

Our carefully selected surgeons are the finest in the country and famous in the world for their incredible skill and expertise. We have recorded thousands of successfully completed surgeries and still counting. Plus, our treatment is safe and precise, which is why the doctors and anaesthetists we've treated recommend us to their family and friends. At Optimal Vision, we have maintained an unparalleled level of excellence in eye care, and it has never been compromised.

We've Invested In Highly Advanced Technology

Treating eye problems is not an easy task; expertise and experience are required for significant results. This is why we have spent a lot of time and money to get all the essential and high-end modern technology in the industry. We are not restricted to one manufacturer or company - we pick the best eye care products from any one of them to satisfy our patients' individual visual needs.

We Are Trustworthy & Reliable

Eye care requires that patients are comfortable with services offered to them and can depend on their team of caregivers. This is precisely what we provide! Our methods are straightforward, and we work closely with patients giving useful advice and ensuring their needs are met with tried-and-tested treatment options. In our practice we are very friendly and our staff are ready to provide you with all the support you need throughout your treatment.

In Conclusion

Professional eye care is essential for managing blepharitis. If you have any questions or need treatment, our compassionate and knowledgeable surgeons are here to help. Think of us for your eye care needs – we’re always happy to assist you in achieving better vision.

Dr Amir Mani - Specialist refractive surgeon

One of the most experienced refractive surgeons in London

Dr Mani has performed more than 20,000 ophthalmic procedures, including LASIK, LASEK, PRK, Femto Cataract, RLE, Lens ICL and Phakic IOL Surgery

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