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Contact Lens Problems Contact Lens Problems
Contact Lens Problems 020 7183 3725 Book a Consultation

Contact Lens Problems

Contact lenses are a non-surgical means of correcting vision problems. They are convenient and used by many people, although some people experience issues with their contact lenses.

Causes Of Discomfort While Using Contact Lenses

Experiencing discomfort while wearing contact lenses is common, and these discomforts are associated with the following:

  • The lens - the design and material or the way the lens is fitted can make you experience discomfort.
  • The environment - this includes computer use, air conditioning and central heating.
  • Individual factors - some factors particular to the individual like lid disorder, dry eye, tear film abnormalities and certain medications can affect the eyes and cause discomfort while using contact lenses.

Symptoms Of Contact Lens Problems

Experiencing one or more of the following means that you have contact lens problems.

The discomfort you may experience include:

  • A sensation from foreign bodies - this makes you feel like something is in your eyes.
  • Decreased wearing time and lens tolerance - experiencing discomfort from contact lenses may cause your eyes to become slightly red/pink, and removing the lens makes the discomfort stop.
  • Reactions and sensitivity from contact lens solution - for people who need to wear their contact lenses for more than a day, regularly cleaning the lens is essential. There are different types of contact lens solution, and some people are allergic to them. The allergic reaction is usually because of the preservatives used in the solution. Extended use of these solution causes sensitivity in most people.
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Other Common Problems With Contact Lenses

Giant papillary conjunctivitis

This is an allergic reaction, developing from the contact lenses. It causes excess mucus production, itchiness, lens intolerance, redness of the eye, and discomfort. You can treat these problems using anti-allergy and steroid drugs and stop use of the contact lenses for a while.

Mechanical injury

A mechanical injury occurs when you damage the contact lens yourself. This causes discomfort and may damage the cornea. This may require immediate medical attention.

Corneal ulcer

You may have experienced a painful corneal ulcer due to a bacterial infection. Corneal ulcer usually occurs in people who wear contact lenses while sleeping or swimming or from unhygienic practices. If you do not treat corneal ulcers, it could lead to loss of sight.

Corneal hypoxia

This complication mostly occurs due to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the cornea. You may develop this condition due to excessive wearing of contact lenses. However, people using the new design of contact lenses such as silicone hydrogels rarely experience this problem. The condition may lead to corneal neovascularization, and if it develops to the acute stage, it may cause a person to stop wearing their lenses.

Contact lens - induced redness of the eyes

You may experience this problem when you wear your contact lenses too much. It causes eye pain, redness and dry eyes. To stop the discomfort, you would have to stop wearing the contact lenses for a while.

Microbial keratitis

This condition is usually a serious one and may lead to loss of sight. It occurs due to poor hygienic practices. Microbial keratitis requires immediate medical attention as it is considered an ocular emergency and is the most severe problem caused from wearing contact lenses.

The symptoms include redness of one eye, watery eyes, acute eye pain, and sensitivity to light. It may result in a corneal ulcer, which may lead to permanent loss of vision due to scarring of the tissues. Microbial keratitis may be due to contamination of the contact lens from water-borne acanthamoeba while swimming or taking a shower. It is usually challenging to treat and may cause blindness.

Treatment For Contact Lens Problems

At our clinic, we offer treatment for contact lens problems and treatments that eliminate the need for contact lenses.

Laser eye surgery is one of the treatments that eliminate the need for contact lenses and prevents the problems associated with wearing contact lenses. Laser eye surgery is a simple, permanent, and quick procedure that gives life-changing results.

Advantages Of Laser Surgery

Permanent result

If you undergo laser eye surgery, it enhances your vision permanently, and you won't have to deal with changing your contact lenses everyday.

Quick procedure

The surgery lasts for about 15 minutes.

Short recovery period

Laser eye surgery recovery usually takes only 24 hours.

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Disadvantages Of Laser Eye Surgery


The surgery is performed on a healthy organ, so you need to consider this before undergoing surgery.

More costly

Compared to non-surgical treatment, the upfront cost is more expensive, although, we offer a 0% interest payment plan*** and free consultation, which makes the surgery more affordable. On a long term basis a patient does not need to continuously pay for contact lenses which may be more financially beneficial.

Side effects

Like every other surgical procedure, laser eye surgery has potential risks, but you can avoid them by choosing an experienced surgeon to perform the laser eye surgery.

To avoid contact lens problems and enjoy the freedom on waking up in the morning and being able to see, you can contact Optimal Vision on 0207 183 3725 to book a consultation for laser eye surgery.

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