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  • Location Icon – Optimal Vision 7 Gower Street, London WC1E 6HA
020 7183 3725
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28 Apr 2021

Optimal Vision Guide to Laser Eye Treatment

Laser eye surgery treatment will change the curvature of front part of the eye called cornea which help the vision to improve similar to contact lens correction. Although this is last for many years some age re...

17 Mar 2021

What is the Cost of Laser Eye Surgery in the UK

Everybody likes a bargain, whether that is in the January sales or a getaway at half the price. Saving money is a good feeling. Over the past few years there has been an increase in what is termed as medical to...

18 Jan 2021

Laser Eye Surgery: Is The Procedure Worth It?

Dealing with glasses or contact lenses have daily challenges with its inconvenience, like losing your glasses , heavy feeling over your nose missing them or even related dry eye or infection chances with regula...

16 Jan 2021

Fact About Pain From Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a common vision correction, and although many people have undergone this surgery, there are several misconceptions and myths about this procedure. These myths and misconceptions have made m...

07 Dec 2020

Correction Of Reading Vision Problems With Laser Eye Surgery

The natural ageing process affects several areas of our lives. It may affect your near vision, making it difficult for you to focus on words while reading. It could also make you have frequent headaches after y...

20 Mar 2020

8 Reasons to Choose Optimal Vision for Your Laser Eye Surgery

There are more options than you can count for your laser surgery in London. But when laser eye surgery is concerned it is important to think carefully about your specific needs while choosing the right eye surg...

20 Feb 2020

LASIK vs Refractive Lens Exchange(RLE)

A recent study reveals that more than one billion people worldwide need eyeglasses, many of whom do not have access to vision correction. Furthermore, three out of every four adults require glasses or contacts...

06 Feb 2020

6 Interesting Facts about Lens Replacement Surgery

Lens replacement surgery is a ground-breaking technology. The treatment not only corrects a large range of visual errors but also corrects the problem of cataract.procedure is similar to a cataract surgery but...

30 Jan 2020

Laser Eye Surgeries: How Safe and Effective Are They?

How safe is laser eye surgery? This is one of the most commonly asked questions that come from patients who are about to undergo the surgery. Laser eye surgery is one of the safest clinical procedures that a...

30 Dec 2019

Long standing Vision Correction with Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery proves effective in fixing your vision problems among millions of people around the globe. A large number of these patients have achieved 20/20 vision and can easily carry out everyday tasks w...

24 Dec 2019

Your Suitable Prescription for Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a widely popular treatment, more than 40 milion people has received laser eye surgery by 2017.This surgery will help you to improve your eyesight and reduce possible complications related t...

19 Dec 2019

Can I have LASIK Eye Surgery if I am Pregnant?

If you're already pregnant or planning for pregnancy also considering the idea of undergoing Lasik eye surgery, then this post is relevant to you and you should continue to read on to find out more. Eye doctors...

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Dr Amir Mani - Specialist refractive surgeon

One of the most experienced refractive surgeons in London

Dr Mani has performed more than 20,000 ophthalmic procedures, including LASIK, LASEK, PRK, Femto Cataract, RLE, Lens ICL and Phakic IOL Surgery

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