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What is the Cost of Laser Eye Surgery in the UK

What is the Cost of Laser Eye Surgery in the UK

17 Mar 2021

Everybody likes a bargain, whether that is in the January sales or a getaway at half the price. Saving money is a good feeling. Over the past few years there has been an increase in what is termed as medical tourism with many people venturing abroad to have their surgical procedures done at a lower price.

I'm sure you have heard stories of folk who have saved a lot on cosmetic surgery or laser eye treatments, abroad. But I wonder if you have also heard the stories that have reflected some of the drawbacks and actual disasters outcomes and complications similar candidates had while received treatments abroad.

This article aims to give you an accurate guide to the cost of having laser eye surgery in the UK and why sometimes paying less is not always the best idea.

The UK generally is considered amoung one of the best countries where living standards are good and wages are higher than in some other countries in the world. Correspondingly, a treatment like laser eye surgery will be more expensive.

At Optimal Vision we try to be transparent and offer our patients with clear picture of their costs including our laser eye surgery and aftercare prices and although we know that for a lot of people this might constitute a large investment, we also think that you get good values for your money considering the quality of care and safety of our advance laser set up directly monitored by our experience consultants and team of experts. We also offer different finance arrangements that make this treatment affordable for everyone.

When you opt to have your laser eye surgery in the UK you can be sure of a world class treatment in a dedicated eye centre. As well as that will be the very comprehensive care that you receive before, during and after your operation that will include follow up appointments and a phone line that is dedicated to taking calls from patients who have any problems, issues or questions in the months after their treatment

Having your laser treatment abroad

We know that you can get laser eye surgery for less if you go abroad but you need also to consider your safety and other costs that you will incur when you make the comparison between having laser eye surgery abroad or in uk with high standard and closely monitored clinical governance surroundings of the UK.

At Optimal Vision we will always offer you a price that is fixed and will include everything in your treatment from beginning to end. When you go abroad you are also going to have to pay for flights ,for your accommodation, for any transport you need and of course for your meals while you're away. Quite often people think that a couple of days will do it but in fact the reality is slightly different. In the days after you've had laser eye treatment you will always be advised to take it easy and to strain your eyes as little as possible, so it is very likely that you will decide you need to take someone with you so you'll have their costs pay for as well!

Thousands of miles away

Depending on where you're going for your eye surgery you may still find it cheaper than a price quoted to you in the UK even with all these extras added in but this does not account for what you're going to do if there are complications or problems following your procedure. That is not to say that the surgeons in other countries are not excellent, many of them are but once you travel home, they are thousands of miles away, so what happens then? In the UK all medical practise are very strictly regulated and monitored, all the ophthalmologists who work for Optimal Vision are Fellows of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists or members of very similar organisations, so that you always know you are in expert hands.

Complications are always a possibility

With any kind of surgery, no matter what that is, complications can arise and sometimes healing does not go as well as planned. At Optimal Vision, all your aftercare is closely monitored by your doctor to make sure any complication is seenand treated accordingly before it has a chance to get more complicated. What is going to happen to you if you've had surgery abroad and you have a complication?

It really is not a good idea to gamble with the health of your eyes and you have to really think about the fact that saving a little money may ultimately lead to you having permanent discomfort or damage to your eyes. If you knew that might happen, would you really still go ahead with it?

Safe laser eye surgery

At Optimal Vision we have the utmost confidence in the exceptional level of care and the world class treatment that we offer. So that you can see for yourself, why not come to an open evening or make an appointment for consultation so that any questions you have can be answered?

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